#1 on-line source for classified advertising in greater
Over 50,000 on-line classified ads per week and growing...
Over 10,000 color photos per week and growing...
Over 9,000,000 page views per month and growing...
Over 500,000 regular
area users per month and growing...
Bargain News has developed several very competitively priced plans for your business to have a strong
and effective Internet presence.
The Bargain News Dealer Center Program is the ultimate tool
for your dealership to have complete control of your Internet marketing.
With a standard dial-up connection to the internet,
you can have all of the following available to you at a very small cost:
Your entire new and used car inventory available to you on-line from anywhere in the world.
You can quickly and easily add, delete, or edit them at any time from any Internet connection.
You will be able to generate professional and completely legal Sales and Warranty Window Stickers.
Your complete inventory will be automatically uploaded daily to the Bargain News on-line.
Your complete inventory will also appear on our 4 other regional Web sites serving the Northeast.
Your complete inventory can also be uploaded weekly by us to most other online services at no additional cost.
We can arrange to also upload your listings right to your own Web site, whether it's on our servers or anyone else's.
We will build a Web page or a complete site and register your Dot Com name for your dealership if needed.
All training and initial set ups are done at your location by our highly trained on-line customer service team.
Our customer service team will be there when you need us, available almost anytime by phone or e-mail.
Find out how easy it is to market your vehicles on-line,
click here to go to an actual working demo
of the Bargain News Dealer Center Interface.
Enter the User Name "bn" and the password "bn" to try entering a vehicle,
printing out a window sticker, and looking around our present program.
Dealer Center Packages are available on a Quarterly or Yearly Plan
for as little as $150 per week for all of the above features.
Many of our smaller car dealers find this
plan to be very cost effective for their lower advertising budgets. If
you run 10 dealer classifieds or more in the “By Dealers Only” columns in the
newspaper, those classifieds will also appear on the Internet. You will receive a free listing on our Dealers On-line page on our Internet site.
$ 85 Per Week ($8.50 Each x 10 Listings Without Color Photos) $ 150 Per Week ($15 Each x 10 Listings With Color Photos)
To see a sample Dealer Classified Page, Click here.
Category Net is a cost effective method for the advertiser with a limited budget to get Internet exposure. Our Category Net Plan allows you to have a banner ad that is directly linked to your own electronic display ad (home page), which is on our site. As an example, if you are a computer dealer, every time someone goes to any of the computer related columns on our Internet Site to do a specific search, your unique advertising message (banner ad) will appear in rotation with several other advertisers . When the user clicks on your banner ad, it will bring them to your Free Electronic Display Ad (a home page) which we design for you. Your home page cannot have any specials on it, or any classified listings, and cannot be changed except for minor adjustments.
If you have a Web site maintained by us you can buy a link going directly to it from the front page of the Bargain News Web site. Your company name and Web site link will get almost 1/4 million impressions a month!
$150 per week
We will register and host your Domain Name for you when you purchase any form of
Internet advertising from the Bargain News.
The registration of your Domain Name is commonly referred to as your URL.
We will also host and forward that domain name right to your pages on our system giving you a complete web presence that's in addition to our internal system.
E-mail services with your registered domain name are also available at a small annual fee per mailbox.
One Time Set Up Fee - $75 Good for two years.
Renewable at $35 per year thereafter.
(No Charge to Total Net Advertisers)
Check for Domain Name Availability
By clicking on the link below, you will be able to check to see if the Domain Name you want for your business is currently available or not.
This process is called a "Whois" query, and checks the Domain Name against records kept at the World Wide Internet Registry.
All Domain Names must be unique.
If your query results in a "This Domain is Available" then your Domain Name IS AVAILABLE! and can be set up by us immediately!
If it is already owned by someone else, the registry will in most cases inform you of who the present owner is and how to possibly contact them.
Important: when checking for Domain Name availability, please be sure to enter your query in the proper format.
For example: enter "yourbusinessname.com" in the search box; www.yourbusinessname.com is incorrect, since "www" is not a working part of the Domain Name.
If your Domain Name is available, contact us
immediately so that we may reserve it for you before another similar business registers it.
If for some reason you do not wish to advertise on the Bargain News Internet site, but would like us to design your home page
for you, we would be happy to do that for a creative fee. We have a flat charge for designing your unique home page in a similar style and size
of a standard Bargain News home page. If you choose to have a much more complicated design and multiple pages then we charge additionally by the hour.
Additional Hourly Design Per Hour - $85
Hosting Fees start at $500 per year.
If you are interested in advertising, have any questions or need more information, contact:
Dan Rindos Internet Sales Manager 203-377-3000 Or Click Here
to send Dane an e-mail